Smoking: Quit Timeline
When people want to or need to quit smoking, stop smoking, they often wonder what the physical and emotional benefits are. How quickly they are achieved and what their Smoking: Quit Timeline looks like exactly.
Well, read on because you are about to find out!
And don’t be too surprised by what you read here. Because I was as I researched this quit smoking timeline.
I think the timeline is pretty impressive really. Considering the damage smoking does.
You’ll discover that the undesirable health effects can be and are reversed relatively quickly.
All you need to do is quit smoking and remain consistently a non-smoker to reap all the benefits.
Easier said than done you might say. Well, not if you know how to do it effectively and with the right tools!
And I know how. Because I’ve been helping countless people quit smoking for almost three decades now. Even celebrities!
‘What Paul the therapist got me doing was for me particularly, was just getting rid of smoking out my life completely!’ Phil Burton, Human Nature Pop Star and Aria Award Winner
Anyhow, now onto your quit smoking timeline……
After only 20 Minutes
✅Blood pressure and heart rate are more stabilized
✅Blood circulation improves
✅Cravings can easily be managed with a ‘tapping’ technique
After only 8 Hours
✅Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide blood levels decrease by over 50%
✅Oxygen levels start to normalize and rejuvenate your skin and hair
✅You might briefly think of a cigarette – but you won’t care about or want one – especially after my coaching and techniques
✅Congratulations.You really are now a non-smoker!
Pat yourself on the back!
After only 12 Hours
✅Carbon Monoxide and oxygen blood levels start to return to normal
After only 24 Hours
✅Carbon Monoxide in the blood is expelled
✅Lungs start clearing off smoking ‘debris’
After only 48 Hours
✅Damaged nerve endings start to regrow
✅Your senses start to improve
✅You’ll start to feel liberated, confident and proud of yourself now that you’re a non-smoker. You’re friends and family too!
After only 72 Hours
✅Your body is now 100% Nicotine free! The physical addiction has gone
✅Your Bronchial tubes start to let you breathe more comfortably
✅Your energy levels start to improve
After only 1 to 2 Weeks
✅Blood circulation improves
✅You’ll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to be and remain a non-smoker
After only 1 month
✅Lung function improves
After only 2 to 12 Weeks
✅Improved blood circulation starts to give your skin nutrients that help prevent aging and wrinkles. Younger, healthier, cleaner looking skin
✅Walking, running, climbing stairs becomes a lot easier
After only 3 to 9 Months
✅New cell lining (Cilia) develop in your lungs to alleviate respiratory problems
After only 1 Year
✅Coronary heart disease is drastically cut by 50% of that of a smoker
‘I quit smoking with Paul 15 years ago!’ Martine V from Belgium
If you’re interested in a quit smoking online consultation with Paul Emery, email:
As you discovered no doubt, all the benefits of quitting smoking, the quit timeline happens quite fast.
Amazingly the body starts to heal itself even within the first 24 hours. Your mood will have significantly improved. You’ll feel much more relaxed and at ease not having that anxious feeling to reach for a cigarette.
And within the first 3 months there are major overall improvements in general health.
Also, within a short year a lot of the negative, damaging effects of smoking on the body are significantly reversed!
So, I wonder, doesn’t it make sense to quit smoking, to stop smoking permanently – sooner rather than later. What do you think?
Are you ready to quit smoking yet?
To stop, once and for all. And not only for yourself, your health and wellbeing – but perhaps for your loved ones also.
Need more help to quit smoking, to stop smoking permanently?
I’m offering a very limited amount of private Quit Smoking Breakthrough Session’s with myself.
During this 90 minute breakthrough session I’ll coach, guide and support you, helping you to quit smoking forever!
No nicotine replacements are needed, ever. Not even any drugs, patches, gum or vaping.
And, no willpower needed! You just don’t need it with my system, ever.
There are no cravings to battle with, no anxiety to go through when quitting and no gaining weight after you stop smoking. Because you’ll be armed with simple, yet extremely effective techniques which when used knock out cravings and anxiety fast. Real fast!
With this simple, yet groundbreaking breakthrough session, you’ll wonder why you ever thought quitting would be difficult! Because you’ll discover it’s easier than you could possibly imagine.
Unfortunately, I can’t take on everyone for my quit smoking breakthrough sessions. So there is a quick pre-qualifying questionnaire.
You must understand I can only take on those who are eligible for quit smoking, stop smoking coaching with myself. Because if you’re not truly serious about stopping smoking, then I don’t want to waste your time and money, and my time. Fair enough?
If you want or need to quit smoking and think you are ready to stop smoking, permanently – then simply click the link below and complete the short questionnaire. Thank you for your time in advance…
Note. If I don’t get back to you, then it means you aren’t ready to quit smoking and therefore not eligible for a Quit Smoking Breakthrough Session with me.
‘It was definitely a motivational session that truly made me feel good. I’m sure anyone who participates in these sessions will definitely feel much better!’ Harper’s Bazaar Editor
About Paul Emery
- Therapist and coach for 27 years
- Worked out of 22 health resorts & clinics around the world from UK, India & Hong Kong to Australia
- Awarded ‘Holistic Treatment of the Year’
- 2020/21 a ‘Global Wellness Day’ Featured Speaker
- Featured by Fox, Sky, Vogue, Forbes, Financial Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Men’s Health and Harper’s Bazaar, OK!
- Contributing co-author of 2 Amazon bestselling books: ‘The Soul of Success’ with Jack Canfield & ‘The Winning Way’ with Brian Tracy
- Thousands of clients include: CEO’s, Royalty. Doctors. Athletes. Rock, Pop, TV and Bollywood star and now possibly you 😃
Until we meet!
All good wishes for your greater health…