cigsDo you want to quit smoking and reduce cravings? 

Here is a simple but powerful mind/body ‘tapping’ sequence from TFT (Thought Field Therapy) that will calm and balance your nervous system and help you quickly quit smoking and reduce cravings!

Tap the following points 8 times in sequence:
Side of Index Finger
Side of hand (palm)
Under nose
Under chin
Under eye (on eye socket ridge)
Under arm (approx 8 cms)
Under collarbone (soft part next to breast bone)

Repeat the sequence for a few minutes or until your desire to smoke goes, or reduces to a manageable level.

Just repeat it whenever you feel like a cigarette, even if it doesn’t reduce much at first be persistent it may take your body a little while to come into balance.

 After three days your nicotine addiction will be gone from your body!

Interested in a quit smoking session with Paul? Email: