How Lose Weight Without Exercise!

How Lose Weight Without Exercise


Introduction to ‘How Lose Weight Without Exercise’.

A lot of people seem to be searching online these days for ‘How Lose Weight Without Exercise’. And yet they’re also probably wondering if it is even possible!

Well, I’m here to tell you – that you can lose weight without exercise. If you know how! And I know how. And also importantly, in my opinion, how to lose weight and keep it off!

I’m sure you’ll agree 100%, that there’s no in point losing weight without exercise, if you’re going to put it all back on again.

You Can And Will Lose Weight

I can tell you with hand on heart, that with my simple to follow and implement 4 Step Program, you can and you will lose weight and maintain that weight loss, even without exercise. If you follow ALL the steps that is!

‘I had one session with Paul. I have to say that it has had a dramatic effect on me in that during and since I saw him I have lost 15kg. And my attitude to food and my health has been revolutionized!’ Glen R. 

I incorporated this simple lose weight program, the one you are about to embark on into my therapy practice over 15 years ago. Since then I have taught it to hundreds of my clients with great success, even some celebrities.

In this program, you can expect to learn a way to lose weight without exercise that is proven, tried and tested with countless people to work. That is as I’ve already stated, if you follow all of it, by the way. Not just a part of it😉

Now a few of you might be familiar with some of the principles of this program. You might even occasionally say to yourself, ‘I already know that!’ Or even a few ‘yes but’ objections might pop into your head. 


The thing is, if that’s the case, and you haven’t adopted the weight loss principles yet, and just continued to fail as a yo-yo dieter. Then you haven’t really fully understood and embraced the full logic, the sound psychology behind its principles. 

Therefore, I would strongly suggest you revisit your beliefs and consider once again all your about to learn.

Just keep an open mind and give it a go.  There is nothing to lose – except to lose weight!


So. Let’s Start With The Simple Hard Truth! 

I know what it’s like to be fat. To try and hide the weight, the bulges with baggy, boring black clothes. To even then have people comment on the way I look!

It hurts, even if they say it with a smile as a ‘kind of joke’. 

I know what it’s like for people to look at what I’m eating, and comment on it. 

For well meaning people to give me weight loss advice, like they are some kind of expert. 

To feel low in confidence. To barely be able to look myself in the mirror. To feel bad about myself, my body. To lack motivation to lose weight without exercise, because I’ve failed time and time again.

Well, I’ve dieted, and of course lost weight. Who hasn’t! 

Dieting Is Soul Destroying

It’s soul destroying and depressing however to watch, to restrict what I eat. Then to watch it all, plus more come right back on again later. And faster than I seem to have lost it!

Can you relate? Have you ever tried to diet to lose weight? To restrict yourself in some way? Then to lose weight and put it all back on again, plus more!

To see people eat what they want in front of you. Wishing you could eat that piece of cake. Or a nice plate of pasta, followed by dessert!

It’s extremely difficult and frustrating right, trying to lose weight, to look good and feel confident going out. 

It’s especially frustrating not being able to keep the weight off once you’ve lost it. Why is that?

Everyone Wants To Look Good And They Want To Know How Lose Weight Without Exercise

It’s a fact of course. Everyone wants to look good and lose weight! To feel confident and proud of their body and the way they look, to wear colourful clothes, to fit into the clothes they’d love to wear, to be more flexible, energetic, healthy and with a pain free body.

So, what’s the solution you may ask?! Well, I have some shocking news.

I’m here to inform you that……

Diets just don’t work!!

At least not if you want to lose weight in the long-term!

So, why is that do you think? Consider for a moment what your past experiences have been!

If any diet worked, long-term then you’d stick with it. And everyone would do it, they’d sing from the rooftops would they not?!

Sadly, research has demonstrated that over the past 25 years, that diets have only a 9% long-term success rate. Think about that for a moment. 

A 91% failure rate!

You have to ask yourself, why anyone would diet with something that has such a high failure rate. And not just once, but over and over again!

And I don’t know about you, but the majority of people gain more weight than before they dieted. That’s a horrible way to try and lose weight, then feel like a failure – over and over again! 

Wasn’t it Albert Einstein who once said, ‘Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!’

4 Step Program

So, this is an easy to follow 4 Step program (originally devised by my mentor, trainer, bestselling author and world famous therapist Paul McKenna PhD)  has been proven time and time again to consistently be one of the most effective weight-loss programs in the world! If not THE most effective. Combining over 15 years of research and success with people getting and staying thinner, forever.

This deceptively simple yet powerful program was developed through the study of how ‘naturally’ thin people eat. And the very latest tried and tested psychological techniques. 

Interestingly, it’s not only about diet and exercise for successful weight loss. In-fact it’s more about the psychology, your mindset that’s key to getting thin. 

Crucially, it’s about successfully reprogramming your mind to lose weight and then importantly how to keep it off. It’s a lot to do with ‘how’ you eat, not what!

It’s A Lifestyle

These 4 Steps are a ‘lifestyle’ and have already helped millions of people worldwide.

Independent studies prove this program has a 71% success rate!

Guess what. The 29% it doesn’t work for don’t do it. So, what do you think you need to do?! You simply need to just follow the 4 Steps to join that 71% 😀

‘Magical – concerns just melted away!’ OK Magazine

The First Step

Before going onto Step One of ‘How Lose Weight Without Exercise’ do you have any questions regarding the Introduction so far?

If so, please feel free to send me an email: 

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*) 

In your 90 minute Breakthrough Session we could address:

  • Clarifying and cementing your weight loss goal
  • Increasing your motivation to lose weight and look your best 
  • Clearing any of your non supporting beliefs
  • Removing your specific weight loss blocks, obstacles and challenges
  • Resolution of weight contributing past events or traumas 
  • Resolution of non supportive emotions such as frustration, hopelessness 
  • Removing self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours 
  • Releasing any stress related emotional eating
  • Identifying and eliminating false hunger signals 
  • Dispel any unwanted food or drink cravings 
  • Creating and boost a positive body image
  • Programme your unconscious mind for weight loss success 
  • Increase motivation to exercise
  • Boost confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, love and acceptance of self
  • Diagnose food sensitivities and intolerances
  • Is Keto for you?
  • What about food combining for weight loss and health?
  • How to manage Intermittent Fasting or detoxing. 
  • Look at any weight contributing poor sleep
  • And much more….it’s your breakthrough session – you can ask me!
  • After your breakthrough session I can provide continued support, encouragement and accountability!

‘Paul is great – it helped me!’ Kate Moss, Supermodel & Icon

‘The miracle therapist!’ Marie Claire Magazine

‘This guy is awesome!’ CNN (Turk)

PART TWO – How Lose Weight Without Exercise

Step One: When You’re Hungry – Go Eat!

Crazy right?! 😆 Of course, that is only eat when you’re ‘genuinely’ physically hungry.

Not just out of habit, because it’s a certain time, a thought, desire or craving.

Or when you’re not feeling ‘really’ hungry, or because of some emotion you want to distract yourself from like stress, anger or boredom!

I advise practicing tuning into your body when you think you feel hungry,  to check whether you are in fact really physically hungry or not. 

And if you’re not hungry, then you must ask yourself why you’re eating. Is it really necessary? 

If it’s from emotion or one of the other reasons above, then you need to look into changing your mindset. (I have techniques to help you with that.)

If the feeling isn’t from real hunger, then what else can you do besides eating?

A Tip

A simple additional tip to help remind yourself to check if you’re really hungry or not, is to put a large ?on a post-it note on your fridge.

How do you tell the difference between Physical and Emotional Hunger?

  • Physical Hunger comes on gradually and is felt in the stomach. And food can satisfy that feeling. 
  • ‘Emotional Hunger’/Cravings come on suddenly. And usually comes from a thought, an emotion (I have techniques to assist with these also!) And food cannot satisfy that feeling. 

By the way, when you first think that perhaps you’re hungry, first check ‘Am I really hungry, or am I just thirsty!’ 


Because there is a 75% chance you maybe a little dehydrated and need to drink some water!

Not many people realize, that the body’s signal for food and water feel the same!

So why not drink 1-2 glasses of water anyway, approximately 30 minutes before you eat. You may not be hungry at all, or not as much as you thought.

Next, you must never skip meals or wait until you’re really hungry if you want to lose weight. Because this causes over-eating when you do eat next! Has that ever happened to you?!

Also if you go hungry and ‘starve’ yourself, your body/mind assumes there’s a famine, and therefore starts to go into survival mode. It has to protect you!

Then, to prevent starvation and increase survival your metabolism slooows right down and the body stores fat, especially when you eat again. It will take and store as many calories as it can from that meal. Just in case you don’t get to eat again.

So, don’t be like a camel, signal to your body/mind that there’s plenty of food available, by eating only when you’re genuinely, physically hungry! 


If you’re hungry before a ‘set’ time, and you have to eat right at that time. Then why not eat a small light snack, e.g some nuts or fruit to take the edge off any hunger pangs before that meal.

You see the ideal zone you should be living in is between ‘Slightly Hungry & Satisfied.’ You must never become so hungry that your stomach rumbles, or that you feel so full you feel stuffed, bloated or even sick 🤢 

Additional tip: Especially never go shopping for food when you’re even slightly hungry or craving something from a thought or emotion. Because chances are you’ll shop based on those feelings!

Any questions regarding Step One at the moment?

If so, then send me an email

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*) 

‘It was definitely a motivational session that truly made me feel good. I’m sure that anyone who participates in these sessions will definitely feel much better’ Harper’s Bazaar Editor

Step Two – How Lose Weight Without Exercise

There Are No Forbidden Foods!

Wait what?! You can’t say that?! That can’t be right?! 😲

Yep, you read that right!

There are no forbidden foods!

The fact is, food becomes much more desirable when it’s forbidden, does it not?! We always seem to want, obsess about what we can’t have. Right?

So, unless advised by your doctor, or are on a special temporary detox, or cleanse, then you must, I repeat, must eat what you want.

And of course, needless to say as long as you stick to and follow ALL the ‘4 Steps in order.

It is not an excuse to pig out and ignore steps one, three and four!


It is well known and researched that restrictions around food = deprivation, cravings, obsessive thoughts around food, stress, anxiety and tension = more eating = guilt = more stress, dieting, deprivation, cravings = eating…and the cycle continues does it not.

This program is not about obsessing about what food you can or cannot eat. It’s not about counting calories. 

Never. I repeat never, ever count calories, (remember you’ve probably already done that before and it hasn’t worked – in the long term has it?

Many of my clients have said that this program is the missing piece they’ve been looking for!

You see, it’s all about working on your weight loss mindset, the psychology around eating, your mental programming. 

Get that right and you will lose weight and keep it off!

This program is about enjoying eating again, and losing weight. 

It’s about eliminating negative feelings, beliefs and restrictions around food.

It’s about being more relaxed around food and eating, to break that never ending cycle of dieting, losing weight then putting it all and more back on, again and again.  

Essentially it’s your body, it is unique, listen to it, put in it what ‘you’ want – and when. Do not ignore the wisdom of your body.

Scandinavian school ‘eat anything’ experiment and the surprising outcome! 

In a school in Scandinavia children were allowed to eat whatever they wanted for a whole month. Whatever they wanted they could have! Cake, chocolate, vegetables, fruit etc.

Interestingly when researchers collected the data at the end of the trial, they discovered that all the children ate a completely balanced and healthy diet. They all instinctively listened to their body and ate what it needed and when!

Any thoughts, questions regarding Step Two at the moment?

If so, send me an email

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*) 

‘I would highly recommend Paul to anyone who would like to benefit from his vast experience, alongside his caring, warm, fun and friendly personality.  Hakan Balcan. GM Richmond Nua Wellness Spa

THE Most Important Step!

Step Three: Eat Consciously, Slooowly, Mindfully

‘Oh no, not this again!’ Some might say, ‘I’ve heard this before – but I just can’t eat slowly!’

If that’s the case then I’d ask; ‘Do you really want to lose some weight, to get thinner, and keep the weight off. Or is it just a mere wish?! Not a need’. 

So, do you really want to remain stuck where you are and stay the same? Or worse still go on yet another diet (remember the 91% failure rate,) lose weight then later put it all back on again?! Well, do you? 

Sure, it will take a little practice to break an old, useless habit. But you can do it. Just read on and I’ll explain more.

Note: It’s very important that you don’t distract yourself at all when you’re eating. You mustn’t watch T.V, read, be on the computer or mobile phone, talk at the same time as eating, or think about something else.

Only Only Only

When you eat – only, only and only focus on the food in front of you!

People can spend a lot of time buying and then preparing food. Curiously, though a lot of people actually think more about food at those times, than when they’re actually eating it! Is that you?

*So, Eat Slooowwwly – I must repeat – Eat Slooowwwly – Mindfully approx 30% of your normal speed for approximately 2 weeks. Or until it becomes a new and better habit! It’s actually a myth when some people think they can’t change a habit of a lifetime quickly.

Consider this, whatever shoe you normally put on first, you could, with a little self-awareness, a little conscious thought put on the opposite shoe first. Even if it’s been a habit all your life, you could do that, could you not? Then within a short while, it would start to become a new habit, the new normal!

Or consider the fact that, if you visited a foreign country and they drove on the opposite side of the road than you normally would. 

Change A Habit

You could in an instant, if you had to, change that old habit and drive on that new side of the road. It wouldn’t take months or weeks, even days or hours. But most people adopt that new way of driving within minutes!

So, the same goes for the habit of eating fast. Just because you’ve always did it that way. Perhaps as a child. You could in fact change that habit with a little conscious effort, at first, until it becomes a new unconscious habit. 

Eating slowly really is the key to losing weight and keeping it off. 

Therefore, I’d suggest you Practice – Practice – Chew each mouthful thoroughly. Slowly. Consider engaging all your senses. 

When you eat, look at what you’re eating, smell it, hear the sounds it makes when you bite into it, the feelings you get. Savour and enjoy the taste of every single mouthful!

Loving Food

People often complained when dieting that ‘It’s so difficult because I just love my food!’ Well, by eating slowly it’s a great way is it not to really enjoy food again, to enjoy what you’re eating and lose weight. It’s a win-win!

So, why not eat how a ‘gourmet’ chef would eat! They use all their senses and savour every single mouthful. Famous chef Michael Roux taught me that. I also suggest you pause, stop between every single mouthful. 

*Put the food or cutlery down, or take your hands off the food between bites! Sloooowww it down. You’re not in a race, a fast eating competition! No one will take your food away. Importantly, eating slowly will recalibrate your body to feel whether you’re hungry or not. Whether you’re full or not.

I understand of course there are times when you need to eat fast. Perhaps there is urgent work to do, you’re on a timed lunch break, or someone is demanding your attention. However, still adopt as best you can the eat slowly principle. At least 80% of the time!


Importantly listen, practice, to re-sensitize yourself to ‘feel’ your body’s full signal, (It gets easier by the way)

When you first start to put this into practice, there maybe a little back and forth with eating slowly. There was for me at first. I’d sit down at the table and start to eat my usual speed. Then halfway through the meal I’d remember to eat slow. 

That pattern would repeat itself for a while. Back and forth. Then as I practiced eating slowly more and more, it started to become an unconscious practice, it became second nature! Now when I sit down to eat I don’t even have to consciously think about it. Eating slow happens automatically 😀

Here’s a tip I find helpful. Perhaps put a note in sight of your table, or even on the table with SLOW written on it as a reminder!

Truck drivers experiment and the amazing outcome….

In the U.K the BBC took a group of drivers to a transport cafe for breakfast.

They instructed them to order whatever they wanted, and of course being hungry workers they all ordered the ‘Full English Breakfast’. 

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one, or even eaten one. It’s a mighty meal of fried eggs, bacon, fried bread, sausage, black sausage, beans, tomato, hash browns, mushrooms and toast 🤪

The truckers naturally all ate the breakfast and thoroughly enjoyed it! 

They were then invited back the very next day – whereby they all ordered the same meal. 


However, this time they were blindfolded and instructed to eat and when they felt full to just raise their hands. When all the whole group had done so, their blindfolds were all removed. To their absolute amazement not one had finished their breakfast!

By being blindfolded they ate slower, they were tuned into the sensation in their body, their stomach, and the taste and textures of the food. 

And interestingly, they all said the food didn’t taste as good as the previous day! That it somehow tasted saltier, greasier. 

Why? Because by having to slow down their eating they were actually tasting the food properly for the first time. Instead of quickly gulping it down as usual, without really paying attention to what they were eating, how much they were eating and how it tasted.

Of course, I’m not suggesting you blindfold yourself, or close your eyes whilst eating. Although you could 😀

But I am saying pay attention to how you feel whilst eating.

Change Naturally

Additionally, without forcing yourself to eat healthy, your food preferences may naturally and easily change for the better, i.e. for ‘cleaner,’ ‘fresher,’ ‘healthier’ foods. Especially when you really start to taste what you’re eating!

As a side note. If you drink alcohol, do so preferably only during or after eating – if you have to drink – then do it consciously and again slooowwwly! As we all know drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can increase appetite.

*By the way, if you think you already eat slowly and aren’t losing weight – then you aren’t really eating slowly enough! You’re still missing the real full signal from your stomach to your brain. You’re still using your mind, what you see and not the feeling in your body when you eat. So, the key is to slow it down even further to enhance and speed up weight loss results. 

Additional tip: Some people find using smaller cutlery helpful in eating slower.

Any questions regarding Step Three at the moment?

If so, just send me a quick email

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*) 

…. it proves helpful…and it did for meGillian De Bono. Editor Financial Times ‘How to spend it’

‘Simple, effective and super doable!’ Vogue

Step Number Four: When You Think You’re Full – Stop! 🛑 

This is the last and final step. It’s not the end of the course by the way.  

There are still other key points to come regarding what to expect with the Four Steps – weighing yourself, your metabolism and exercise.

So, onto Step Four…

Never eat until you’re stuffed or bloated.

Even if you have to leave food on your plate…..

So, I’d like to suggest you…Resign NOW from the ‘Clean Plate Society!’

‘What? No, never!’

I know many of you might say; ‘I can’t possibly leave food!’ ‘I feel guilty if I leave food!’ ‘It’s rude to leave food!’ ‘My parents always told me to eat everything up!’ ‘I hate to waste food!’ ‘What about the starving people around the world!’ 


The facts are; your parents probably aren’t watching over you anymore to make sure you eat everything. 

And food really doesn’t ever get wasted, does it?

It simply gets recycled – eaten by animals, insects or goes into the soil = helps plants, or even helps to grow more food. 

And even if you did just throw some of the food away after you bought and cooked it, it’s okay. The product, its resources have already been used up. They’re already gone – forever – are they not?!

By eating or not eating all the food you bought or cooked, it won’t make any difference to the world food shortages or hunger problem.

Of course in an ideal world we all would only buy and cook what we needed to eat. But that often just isn’t the case. 

Maybe we over buy, over prepare based on our sight alone, a prediction of how hungry we will feel, or feelings of over hunger in the moment, (of course, if you have implemented Step One, then that shouldn’t occur.) 

However, I realize sometimes our eyes ARE bigger than our bellies! 😂

It is said that, ‘It’s better to put what food you leave in your bin. Than in your stomach!’

Leaving Food

And if you’re really that worried about leaving food. Then you can always store the food and eat it later if you really want. Or go out and give it to someone else, a neighbor or someone living on the streets. 

It is interesting to note, that in many cultures it’s actually considered polite to leave some food on your plate! It says to the host that you’re not starving, that you have your appetite under control. What other positive things could it say?

Importantly – leaving some food, even a little, sends a message to your subconscious mind that there is more food available. 

That your body doesn’t have to store the food you’ve just eaten. Because there is obviously plenty of food available, that there is no famine at present. So it is free to just go ahead and burn the calories!

Additional tip: Some people find eating from a smaller plate helpful. 

Okay, this is the last of the 4 Step part of the program. The core principles you must follow to know ‘How Lose Weight Without Exercise’

In the next couple of sections we will be looking at the other essential components:

  • What You Can Expect
  • Your Metabolism
  • Weighing Yourself 
  • All About Exercise!!

Any questions regarding Step Four at the moment?

If so, then just send me an email

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*) 

‘Paul Emery is exceptional! He listens carefully, is understanding, experienced and importantly helped me overcome a severe anxiety problem. I recommend him without reservation, and so will you!’  Brett Batchelor. CEO Bangkok


Well, it’s common that it may feel different at first to follow ALL the 4 Steps! To simply eat what you want etc. To undo all your old programming!

However, you will feel good and more in control (there is no calorie counting right!)

You may wonder how well these 4 Steps are working.

You will at some point forget to follow one or more of the steps i.e leave some food or eat slowly. So, you have two choices!

What will you do 1 or 2?!

  1. Feel bad about yourself, binge or give up on the steps and go back to your old ways, skip meals, restrict the food you really want to eat, go on a yo-yo diet etc  (*all of which haven’t helped before in the long-term eh!*)
  2. Realize that you made an error of judgment then be determined to get back onto the 4 Steps and simply continue on with the program!

So Just be kind and patient with yourself!


About Weighing Yourself

I know people like to weigh themselves, and often too. It’s like a habit. They just can’t resist the allure, the daily calling of the scales!

However, I wonder if you’ve ever noticed that your weight can  fluctuate daily and especially over a week. Does it not?

The simple truth of the matter is you cannot get an accurate reading on your weight loss by checking every single day! You just can’t.

The main problem is that by checking your weight every single day, or every other day can lead to obsession, stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and low self-esteem – which then of course can cause people to feel bad about themselves, give up and go eat even more!

So, I’d like to strongly suggest you leave about 10 days between each weighing.

You will know you have lost some weight simply by seeing yourself in the mirror, by your looser clothes – or by other people’s compliments. Would you not?


About Your Metabolism

Did you know your metabolism is the speed at which your body produces energy?

That your metabolism runs at a ‘basal metabolic rate’ (basic.)

That surprisingly your metabolism is not fixed!!

If you starve yourself, skip meals then it’s a fact that your mind/body will go into self-preservation, survival, famine mode and will definitely slow your metabolism down. It has to, as it doesn’t know when you will eat again and so has to protect you from death from starvation.

If however, you follow ALL the 4 Steps in this program and eat when you’re genuinely physically hungry, your body learns it has plenty of fuel and therefore it can keep your metabolism going at a higher rate. 

It knows food, energy will be replaced whenever needed!

And of course, we all know that exercise speeds up the metabolism…

That will be covered in the next part of the course 😀

Any questions regarding all of the above at the moment?

If so, then just send me an email

P.S If you’d, like to book a private 90 minute tailor-made and diagnostic ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’, then you can also use the email above to get information.  (*I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs*)

“The amazing Paul Emery literally saved my life!” Sinitta.  The Xtra Factor and Pop Star

All About Exercise!!

What?! I thought this program was all about ‘How Lose Weight Without Exercise’?!

Well it is and you can lose weight without exercise. But just read on and bare with me please…

I’m here to tell you, and who knows, maybe some of you will be pleased with what I’m about to say…

You don’t ‘have to’ go to the gym to get some exercise if you don’t want to, or can’t for some medical or other reason. If on the other hand of course, you enjoy going to the gym, or perhaps some other form of exercise such as swimming, cycling, dancing etc then that’s great!


However, for others I can inform you that exercise = anything that causes you to breathe more deeply than you normally would, and/or causes your heart rate to speed up! Can you think of any enjoyable ways to get your heart rate up?! 😉

Do you realize that you already exercise everyday, because you do move your body. Even a little. You get in and out of bed right?! The key however, is to move it more than you’ve been currently to lose weight and importantly, as I have said, to keep it off.

Walking: Did you know that Europeans average 5,500 steps per day = approx 45 minutes of walking. 

However, the difference between being overweight and being a healthy weight is just an extra 2000 steps more per day = an extra 20 minute walk. 

So, a total of 7,500 steps throughout the day. Of course if you can do a more then that would be great 👍 

I wonder if you can find enjoyable ways to walk more – perhaps at the office, at home or outside? Maybe even at a shopping mall!

Perhaps you can be creative and find ways to enjoy it. Maybe walk, even a light jog with a friend, partner or dog 🐕 Even watch TV whilst on a treadmill or large bouncing ball. Time can soon pass like that, and before you know it you’ve kept your heart rate up for quite a while!

Maybe you can join a local walking group, or simply listen to music, an audio book or podcast whilst walking. Perhaps even just enjoy the quiet time, the surrounding nature if you decide to do it outside. 

Walking is a great and easy low-impact form of exercise most people can do. 

And as you may know walking, exercise, has been proven time and time again to really benefit your mental health also!

Note: if you’re medically unable to walk, perhaps you can find ways to move your body more, e.g how about moving just your upper body whilst seated! 

Maybe lift some light weights, or move your upper body gently from side to side for example. Anything to move your body a little more than you have been. 

* Studies show a Pedometer or similar app that counts steps has been shown to increase motivation by 23%!*


How Lose Weight Without Exercise Summary!

Pause for a moment. Can you recall the 4 Steps? 

I suggest you write them out on a small card and post it around your home, or carry it with you. Or in an app as a reminder. Here they are again…

  • When you’re hungry go eat!
  • Eat what you want – not what you think you should
  • Eat mindfully, SLOWLY!!
  • Stop when you think you’re full 


Some of the other key points:

  • Leave some food on your plate
  • It will feel different at first to follow the 4 Steps. You may even forget one of them from time to time. That’s okay, just get back to the program. And remember it works! Diets don’t 97%.
  • Weighing Yourself – every 10 days or so
  • Your Metabolism – isn’t fixed, changes throughout the day with what you do
  • Exercise – you don’t have to. But if you like – walk more, even to just get some fresh air, clear your mind and feel good!

I sincerely hope that, you found this course valuable – and that you’ve enjoyed and importantly benefited from it! Now you have basics of what to do to lose weight and keep it off 😉

Of course, like any other free course there is an upsell. Well, actually it would be remiss of me, if I didn’t offer to coach and support you further!

I’d like to assist you in a more detailed and diagnostic way, and keep you accountable with your own personal, specific weight loss goals & challenges. 

Therefore, I’d like to offer you a 90 Minute ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’.

In your 90 minute ‘Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session’ we could address:

  • Clarifying and cementing your weight loss goal
  • Increasing your motivation to lose weight and look your best 
  • Clearing any of your non supporting beliefs
  • Removing your specific weight loss blocks, obstacles and challenges
  • Resolution of weight contributing past events or traumas 
  • Resolution of non supportive emotions such as frustration, hopelessness 
  • Removing self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours 
  • Releasing any stress related emotional eating
  • Dispel any unwanted food or drink cravings 
  • Creating and boost a positive body image
  • Programme your unconscious mind for weight loss success 
  • Increase motivation to exercise
  • Boost confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, love and acceptance of self
  • Diagnose food sensitivities and intolerances
  • Is Keto for you?
  • What about food combining for weight loss and health?
  • How to manage Intermittent Fasting or detoxing. 
  • Look at any weight contributing poor sleep
  • And much more….it’s your breakthrough session – you can ask me!
  • After your breakthrough session I can provide continued support, encouragement and accountability!

For more information email:
