Weight Loss Made Easy

Over 70% success rate!

Learn how to re-programme your mind for long-term success to a thinner you!


Weight Loss Made Easy’ A Simple, Effective 4 Step Plan

Have you ever dieted, counted calories and tried exercising like crazy to lose weight?

Did you find it difficult to keep doing all of that and if so, why?

If you lost weight in the past – then great!

But did you then gradually put it all back on, plus perhaps even more?

How did you feel about yourself? How was your self-esteem and self-confidence after?

As the saying goes, ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you got!’

In other words if diets haven’t worked for you in the past, why keep doing it? Why feel a failure and bad about yourself, over and over again?

So, are you ready for something different, something that actually works? Something with a proven 70% success rate? Remember diets have only a 9% success rate!

Let’s start with the truth then. Diets don’t work!

After analyzing thousands of diets, statistics show that diets only work for 9% of the population – that’s a whopping 91% failure rate!. So why keep yo-yo dieting? It just isn’t good for your physical or mental health too.

I’ve worked with thousands of clients and in doing so I’ve noticed they all have the same things in common.

You see, it’s not all about diet and exercise to be able lose weight and maintain it.

If you want effective and sustained long-term weight loss success, to be a thinner, happier and confident you, then you also need the all essential psychological, emotional assistance and support!

I see a lot of clients who need help with not only self-sabotaging behaviors and poor eating habits, but also with emotional eating, cravings, binge eating, past traumas and poor sleep that often contributes to unwanted excess weight.


FREE Assessment Call. On your call we will identify what’s holding you back from living a more peaceful and enjoyable life, and how Paul’s treatment may help you get just that! Email for details: info@quantumepr.com 

“The miracle therapist!” Marie Claire Editor

“Simple, effective and super doable!” Vogue

My ‘Weight Loss Made Easy’ sessions include:

How to enjoy eating your favourite foods and still lose weight!
An easy to follow and implement ‘permanent’ 4 step weight-loss system
Learn the truth about weighing yourself – your metabolism – and exercise
How to quickly eliminate or reduce stress and emotional eating
How to quickly stop food cravings
How to stop emotional eating & over-eating
How to reduce ‘false’ hunger signals
How to raise your self-esteem, confidence and feel better about yourself
How to be more in control around food – relieving anxiety and tension
How to re-programme your mind (and your body) for weight loss success
How to be motivated to exercise (and it’s not all about going to the gym!)
How to remove self-sabotaging behaviours
How to remove limiting beliefs that hold you back
And more!

However, these consultations are completely tailored to meet your unique needs!

If you want to book a free chat to discuss how I may help you email: info@quantumepr.com 


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