What is Havening Technique and How Does It Work?

Is Havening Scientific?

Havening Techniques is a ‘Psychosensory’ therapy. It can help quickly and painlessly eliminate a wide range of emotional concerns, from trauma and anger to depression and phobias.

Havening Techniques was developed in 2004 by Dr. Ronald Ruden, alongside his brother Dr. Steven Ruden. They, alongside the growing number of trainers and practitioners, continue to innovate, advance and develop the techniques to this day. 

Famed therapist and #1 best-selling author Paul McKenna says of Havening Techniques: ‘It’s going to change the face of therapy across the world,‘ and I agree with him whole heartily!

Havening simply is one of, if not THE most effective and amazing therapy methods I have ever come across in my many decades as a therapist.

How Does Havening Work?

There are three main aspects to Havening Techniques that make it work

1)*Retrieval of an emotion by simple recall

2) *Havening Technique Touch. This entails softly stroking down the arms, face then hands in a comforting fashion. These areas on the body are shown to produce strong electrical delta waves to the brain’s emotional center – the Amygdala. These waves in turn release an enzyme. This permanently un-hooks then strips away the stress causing receptors from your Amygdala.

3) *Distraction techniques. This prevents continuous re-activation of the stress producing receptors.

Is Havening Scientific? Through Dr. Ruden’s scientific work with neuro-science over the past two decades, he proves that specific soothing upper body touch creates positive chemical changes within the brains’ emotional/pain center – the ‘Amygdala.’

This alongside particular eye movements, and mental distraction techniques have scientific, predictable and calming effects on our feelings. It reduces stress chemicals, increases the feel good chemical Serotonin and quickly and very often permanently de-links negative feelings from thoughts.

It can be used to treat any problem from general stress, anxiety, depression and PTSD to anger and cigarette cravings! Even many physical problems can be helped. It is usually performed by a qualified therapist but is also highly beneficial when self-applied.

I wrote about the techniques in two books I co-authored – ‘The Winning Way’ with Brian Tracy, and ‘The Soul of Success’ with Jack Canfield. In both books I outline how to successfully perform Havening to relieve any unwanted negative emotion.

You can get free access to my chapters ‘Winning Without Worry’ from ‘The Winning Way’ HERE. And Free access to my chapter from ‘The Soul of Success’ – ‘Havening – Instant Stress Relief – In Your Hands’. HERE.

Note, I am available throughout the world to provide quick and simple Havening Technique treatment by Zoom or Skype.

Email: info@quantumepr.com