3 Ways To Manage Emotions – Fast!
Want to know 3 Ways to Manage Emotions – Fast?
Are you stressed, anxious, worried, or angry? Wish you could just quickly have more emotional control?
Well, with this ‘3 Ways To Manage Emotions – Fast!’ you’ll not only be able to control your emotional responses more effectively. But with this resource at hand, you’ll also get a lifetime of access to simple tools that will help you quickly build and maintain a more peaceful, calmer, happier life. And enable you to manage any future challenge more resourcefully and easily.
You don’t have to do each exercise in order. Just simply look through them, and do whatever you feel is needed for you right now.
And if you feel a loved one, or friend, could also benefit from this helpful resource, then just forward it along to them. It may help them too!
“I’m sure that anyone who participates in these sessions will feel much better!” Harper’s Bazaar
- Figure 8 Hack
I have more in-depth techniques to hand within my Boost Your Mindset sessions, but meanwhile, give this Figure 8 Hack a go! It’s usually quite effective in quickly reducing stress.
Like all my techniques, that you can use, don’t let the apparent simplicity of it fool you.
All my techniques are based on the latest neuroscience. There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes in the brain that you’re not aware of. And frankly, you don’t need to know what is happening, or believe in the techniques for them to successfully work!
Just do it and see how relaxed you feel after.
Here are the 7 steps to a more calm and peaceful outlook
- Sit comfortably
- Bring to mind some stress or anxiety (not a major trauma of course – that is for the support and guidance in private online sessions only.)
- Gently place 2 fingers on the center of your forehead
- Then softly and slowly trace a side-ways (vertical) Figure 8 across your forehead
- Continue this for about one minute
- Stop and think about the problem you thought about before. Do you feel calmer about it?
- Repeat this simple brain hack as often as required – day or night to feel more relaxed
“Paul is great – it helped me!” Kate Moss, Supermodel, and fashion icon
- Zen and Centered
This simple, proven, and powerful Heart Focused Process will allow you to become more centered, peaceful, relaxed, patient, and less reactive to situations and people and allow you to sleep more soundly.
Importantly also, this gentle process has many physiological health benefits:
It raises your anti-aging hormone D.H.E.A, lowers your Cortisol and Adrenaline, helps balance your autonomic nervous system, promotes heart health, improves digestion and lessens heartburn, and helps control your heart rhythm to achieve optimal performance in your daily activities.
This technique will also create more feelings of appreciation, love, care, and gratitude within you. And fortunately, you’ll be able to discreetly perform this simple yet powerful exercise anytime, anywhere to feel more peace, Zen, and in control – allowing you to quickly recover from any stress or anxiety!
8 Steps To Becoming Zen And Centered
- Sit comfortably
- Bring your attention to your heart and place a hand over your heart area
- Imagine gently breathing through the heart area
- With your tongue placed behind your top front teeth breathe in gently through your nose for a count of approximately 5 seconds
- With your tongue resting gently behind your bottom teeth breathe out gently through your mouth for approximately 5 seconds
- Perform this for a minute or two then…
- As you continue breathing in this way bring to mind a positive thought, feel a positive emotion such as appreciation, gratitude, care, compassion, or love for someone or something – yourself, a loved one, a pet, a thing, a place
- Maintain this breathing, positive feeling for approx 5 minutes. You can do this 3 times daily to maintain more peace and tranquillity in your life!
“It was definitely a motivational session that truly made me feel good!” Harper’s Bazaar Editor
- Smooth and Soothe
Ever wonder why, apart from enhancing your looks, facials feel so great? Well, I can tell you that recent groundbreaking neuroscience tells us that when gentle strokes are applied to the face, large amounts of very calming slow Delta waves are produced. More than any other part of the body! Importantly though, the mood-boosting hormones of Serotonin and Oxytocin are greatly increased.
This brain science also shows us that massaging the face alongside specific, calming visualizations significantly reduces elements of stress, worry, and anxiety. Allowing you to boost your mood and chillax! I promise you will benefit greatly by applying this simple and relaxing process to yourself.
- Sit comfortably
- Bring to mind some stress, anxiety, worry, or anger
- Apply moisturizer to your face if you want, and close your eyes
- Now importantly – clear your mind – put that stress, anxiety, and worry out of your mind as you…
- Gently and soothingly with both hands use your fingertips to smooth across your forehead, from the center out, then down the sides of your face
- Do this for approx 1 minute – as you…
- Imagine it’s a beautiful, sunny day and you’re walking calmly along a beach. What would you see, hear and feel as you do so? Really imagine and feel the relaxation and joy as you walk
- Then gently apply, soothing strokes to the areas under your eyes and out across your cheeks
- Do this for approx 1 minute – as you also…
- Imagine you’ve been given a beautiful bunch of 20 flowers. Imagine happily putting the flowers one at a time into a vase. Look how beautiful they are, how beautiful they smell
- Next gently apply soothing strokes as above to both the forehead, sides of face, and cheeks
- Do this for approx 1 minute – as you also…
- Imagine it’s a beautiful day and you’re walking calmly in nature, or once again on a beach
Repeat the whole process again, or as often as you want, and feel your stress melt away! Then open your eyes. Think back to that stress, anxiety, or worry you had. Do you feel calmer, and more peaceful?
“I walk away feeling fresh and ready for anything!” Vogue
And Finally…
I hope, you enjoyed and benefited from this. These are just some of the many ways I help people unwind and relax to lead healthier, calmer, and more productive lives both at home and at work.
Do you need help with implementing any of this, or to work on something that is holding you back from being at your best, on a consistent basis?
During this month I am offering just 10 places for people to take the opportunity to join me on a FREE Assessment call
On Your Complimentary Online Session, You Will:
→Create a crystal clear vision of the kind of mindset and life you desire
→Uncover all the hidden challenges that could be sabotaging you from successfully attaining that
→Leave the session renewed, re-energized, and inspired with a clear path to your vision
The call will last approximately 30 minutes.
To see if you qualify click the link below and answer a few simple questions!
“The amazing Paul Emery literally saved my life!” Sinitta. X Factor Judge and Pop Star
About Paul Emery
- U.K born. Therapist since 1992. Creator of an Award Winning mind & body treatment
- Contributing co-author of 2 books, ‘The Soul of Success’ with Jack Canfield (author Chicken Soup for the Soul & The Secret) and ‘The Winning Way’ with Brian Tracy and other leading experts
- Featured by: Fox, Sky, Australia’s ‘Celebrity Overhaul’, Vogue, OK! Forbes, GQ, Gala, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Financial Times, Women’s Health, Hurriyet
- Clients: Royalty. Rock/Pop/TV/Bollywood Stars. Athletes. EMMY & Grammy Winners. Doctors
- Wellness Resorts and Health Center consultant since 2002; Thailand – Chiva-Som, Kamalaya, Aman Resorts. Hong Kong – Balance Health Wellness Centre. Turkey – Richmond Nua.
- ‘AsiaSpa Holistic Treatment of the Year 2010’ Award Winner. ‘Global Wellness Day’ Featured Speaker 2020. Member of the Chiva-Som team awarded ‘Best Complementary Health Center’
- Featured in the book: ‘Asia’s Best Spas & Spa Treatments’ by Judy Chapman.
Any questions or comments? paul@quantumepr.com www.quantumepr.com