11 Ways to Quit Smoking!

quit smoking, cigarette cravings


Introduction to “11 Ways to Quit Smoking!”

In the journey to quit smoking, cravings can be hard to overcome and often stand in the way between a smoker’s positive intentions and a smoke-free future. These relentless urges can seem tough but armed with the right strategies and techniques, you can conquer them and reclaim control over your life.

Welcome to my guide on quitting smoking by mastering cravings – your roadmap to a healthier, smoke-free you!

Quitting smoking is no simple, easy decision, but without doubt, it’s a profound commitment to self-improvement, health and well-being.

The first critical step on this journey is setting a quit date. This seemingly simple act transforms your mindset from vague promises of quitting “someday” into a decisive declaration of “I’m quitting on this day!”

It’s your foundation, a psychological tool that prepares you mentally and emotionally for any challenges that may lay ahead. Much like laying the cornerstone for a new building, setting a quit date offers a clear starting point to channel your efforts and focus on quitting smoking and overcoming any cravings.

When those tough moments arise – as they may – your quit date becomes your unwavering motivation, propelling you forward.

But your journey doesn’t have to be solitary. Support is your linchpin, your safety net when cravings attempt to pull you back into the familiarity of cigarettes.

Imagine having a network of friends, family, a support group, or even a quit-smoking expert to hand to be your emotional and social anchors during those intense craving episodes. They offer more than a sympathetic ear; they provide a lifeline, a beacon of hope guiding you throughout your journey to becoming a healthy, proud, non-smoker.

This support system can reignite your determination and keep you on the path to a smoke-free life. Together, we’ll explore various strategies – from Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to prescription medications, behavioral therapy, and amazing alternative, holistic non-drug-free ways to stop a craving in its tracks – all designed to empower you in your quest to master cravings and break free from the grip of smoking. So, let’s embark on this journey together, conquering cravings and carving a path to a healthier, smoke-free you.

(Need to quit smoking? Email: paul@quantumepr.com and say why – and if it’s a good enough reason – I’ll send my free eBook!)

Set a Quit Smoking Date: Your quit date is like a promise you make to yourself – a promise for a brighter, smoke-free future. It transforms the vague idea of quitting “someday” into a concrete commitment to quit on a specific day. This simple act holds remarkable power – it gears your mindset from uncertainty to determination. You’re not just thinking about quitting; you’re taking tangible steps toward it!

Your quit smoking date acts as the foundation upon which you build your smoke-free journey. It’s a beacon of focus, giving you a clear starting point to direct your energy and efforts. When those challenging moments strike, and cravings test your resolve, your quit date becomes your anchor. Reminding yourself of that date reignites your motivation, giving you the extra push needed to overcome cravings and push forward.

Have you decided on a quit smoking date yet? There’s no hurry as such, only set it when you’ve firmly decided to stop smoking!


Seek Support: Picture your support system as a lifeline – a safety net that catches you when cravings threaten to knock you off balance. Beyond offering a listening ear, they provide invaluable emotional and social support, especially during those intense craving moments. It’s like having a dependable beacon of light guiding you through the stormiest cravings.

Sharing your journey with someone who knows the struggle of quitting smoking can be a game-changer. Their empathy lessens the weight of your burden, reminding you that you’re not alone in this fight. Their encouragement acts as a spark, reigniting your determination to remain smoke-free, even when cravings seem insurmountable.

And even if they don’t know personally the struggles of quitting smoking, a loved one, friend or therapist can be a great support, especially during the first few days or so.


Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): I’m not a big fan of this. However, these products can be helpful for some at the initial stages – from gum and patches to lozenges and inhalers – they provide a controlled dose of nicotine, reducing the grip of physical cravings. 

For some, it’s not about quitting cold turkey; it’s about gradually easing the reliance on nicotine. NRT products can therefore create a buffer against the discomfort of cravings, allowing you to navigate the journey with a little more ease. 

My opinion, however, is you’d be swapping one addiction to possibly another, and NRT’s are expensive too! My own father got hooked on nicotine gum for years – and he never even smoked!


Prescription Medications: Again I’m not a fan. Medications like varenicline (Chantix) or bupropion (Zyban) act as the architects of change, altering your brain chemistry to reduce the pleasure derived from smoking.

They can pave the way for a smoke-free future by weakening the grasp cravings hold on you. Be warned though, that they don’t always help some people and as with all medications, they do have side effects. There are better ways to halt cravings naturally….read on to find out!


Behavioral Therapy: Your journey to a smoke-free life is not just about battling cravings; for some, it’s about understanding and mastering the reasons behind them, usually anxiety.

Behavioral therapy can guide you through the maze of triggers and thought patterns that fuel anxiety and cigarette cravings. This therapy can equip you with the tools needed to navigate cravings and your need for cigarettes effectively, allowing you to regain control over your responses.

As you internalize the strategies provided, you’re stepping into a realm of empowerment, armed with the skills to quit smoking and conquer cigarette cravings by reshaping your relationship with them.


Identify Triggers: Unearthing your unique triggers is like gaining access to the blueprint of your cravings. These triggers – whether stress, emotions, or specific situations – hold the key to understanding the cravings that once controlled you. By acknowledging and recognizing them, you open the door to alternatives.

It’s akin to rewriting your personal playbook, exchanging old habits for healthier responses. As you confront your triggers head-on, you strip away their power and reclaim control over your journey to a smoke-free life. Identifying triggers becomes your roadmap, guiding you toward a future where cravings no longer dictate your choices.


Stay Active: Physical activity isn’t just about breaking a sweat; it’s a potent antidote to cravings. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins – the natural mood enhancers that elevate your emotional state and reduce stress. These endorphins are your allies, combating the cravings that often stem from stress or anxiety.

Think of staying active as raising a shield against cravings. It’s your armour, protecting you from their assault and providing a positive outlet for the energy that cravings bring. Beyond the physical benefits, staying active nurtures your mental and emotional resilience, empowering you to overcome cravings with vigour.


Healthy Diet: In your quest to conquer cravings, a healthy diet plays a pivotal role. A balanced diet isn’t just about nutrition; it’s your ally in maintaining balance. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, you’re minimizing irritability and the nagging cravings that emerge from fluctuations.

Think of a healthy diet as premium fuel for your body, ensuring it operates smoothly. When you nourish your body with the right nutrients, you’re arming yourself against cravings with determination. Your diet becomes your armour, fortifying you on your journey to a smoke-free life.


Stay Hydrated: Hydration is your concealed weapon against cravings, a simple yet powerful strategy. Hydration actively contributes to flushing nicotine and harmful chemicals from your system. Water and orange juice are great choices.

By doing so, it curbs the intensity and frequency of cravings. Visualize hydration as a reset button, purifying your body from the residues of your smoking habit. Each sip reaffirms your commitment to a smoke-free life, revitalizing your dedication with every drop.


Positive Reinforcement: Think of positive reinforcement as your personal cheerleader on the quit journey. Each day without a cigarette is a victory, and these rewards celebrate those wins. They offer more than just a pat on the back; they’re the chorus of encouragement that resonates through your journey.

Like cheerleaders on the sidelines, they remind you that every step forward is a triumph over cravings. As you reward yourself for staying smoke-free, you’re affirming your success and bolstering your resolve. Positive reinforcement turns ordinary days into moments of celebration, strengthening your determination to face cravings head-on.


Amazing Powerful Craving Busters: There are a couple of fantastically powerful techniques I use in my sessions, that quickly stop cigarette cravings in their tracks! I wonder if you’ve heard of NLP? Or EFT ‘tapping’? Both these and a few others, namely Havening Techniques, are game-changers in the battle against cravings and any associated anxiety, even anger.

They all incorporate the mind-body connection, that’s why they work so well. Why? Well, a craving for a cigarette starts with a simple habitual thought in your mind, which is then quickly followed by a specific feeling in your body!

By directly interacting with the feeling, it’s possible to break that connection, and fast! After a simple process, your mind can have a thought of a cigarette – but then there’s no desire for one!

How is all this possible? Well, did you know you can, for example quickly attach a really repulsive taste to that of a cigarette? And in a short while the desire to smoke reduces to a zero – even if you were at a 10 previously? There’s quite a process involved, but briefly imagine eating something repulsive and smoking a cigarette at the same time!

Or did you know, that if you think about a desire to smoke and tap a few specific acupressure points, the craving literally disappears in a matter of minutes? Under you eye and under your collarbone for example.

Or that by stroking your upper arms in a certain way, along with a special visualization process, you can also knock out a desire to smoke?

I know what you must be thinking – what bullshit – that’s not possible! Well, I’m sorry to say, but it’s all true – because I’ve successfully helped countless people quit smoking via Zoom using these various methods!

It’s fairly simple really. As we work together I just teach the techniques and strategies to use, and within a short while, the desire, to smoke and any anxiety connected to it goes away.

I hope you found something of use in this short article.

(Need some help to quit smoking? Email: paul@quantumepr.com and say why!) 

Paul Emery (c) 2023